Jul 01, 2023

6 Important Things You Need to Know About Household Mould

6 Important Things You Need to Know About Household Mould

Mould is a species of fungi that grows on plant and animal products. It prefers poorly ventilated, damp areas to grow, including areas such as curtains, carpet, and even books. To ensure you keep your home as free as possible from mould, it is important to ensure your home is well ventilated, especially in bathrooms and any area where water is present. Mould is also harmful to humans, so it is important to ensure it is not present in your home. Today, we’re going to be sharing with you some things you may not know about household mould.

What’s the difference between mould and mildew?

Mould and mildew have similar properties. Both grow in areas where moisture is present, and both have health risks associated with their growth. The main difference between the two is how we can remove them. Mould often grows in a variety of colours; however, mildew tends to appear in dark to light grey and is dusty in appearance. Mildew only has surface growth, and although mould appears mainly on the surface, it can have deep roots of growth within the surface it appears on. Mould can be quite difficult to remove, and often will require a professional to successfully destroy. Mildew can be easily removed with usual household cleaners and careful scrubbing.

Is having mould in your home unhealthy?

Some types of mould can be helpful to humans in a medical sense, however the mould you’ll find growing in your home is not one of them. Many health-related websites warn that mould causes several health-related problems such as respiratory infections and can worsen the effects of asthma and allergies.

How do you know if you have mould in your home?

Unfortunately, mould is unavoidable, as the spores can be found almost everywhere throughout the air. When these spores find the right conditions – a damp, poorly ventilated area – mould will begin to grow. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to notice the mould before you smell it, however a musty, damp smell is often an indicator that mould may be present. If you think you may have mould growing in your home, be sure to call the professionals and have your home thoroughly cleaned. When looking for mould, be sure to check in areas such as in an enclosed room or underneath the kitchen sink. Also, be sure to inspect your plumbing, roof, and basement regularly to avoid leaks. mould will take advantage of any damp spots you may have missed.

Can mould grow in a clean house?

The short answer is yes. No matter how clean your home is, mould can find a way. It only needs a damp area, and it will grow if the right conditions are available. Having clutter and excessive dust may cause issues with trying to find mould within your home, however cleanliness is not necessarily a factor.

How do you stop mould from growing in your home?

The best way to keep mould from growing within your home is to ensure humidity remains low - 50% or lower is ideal. Keep your home well ventilated with plenty of airflow, repair any water leaks as soon as possible and insulate water piping that could cause dripping condensation. If you notice that water has leaked onto a wall, ensure it is dried out within a few hours and keep a close eye on the area to ensure mould has not started growing.

How can you get rid of mould growing in your home?

In mild cases of mould that’s gathered in spaces like tiles and grout, the bathroom sink, bathtub, toilet, windows frames, doors and veranda, pool area, solar panels, ovens, bench tops, washing machines and dishwashers, we recommend using our GLASSGUARD™ Miracle Mould Removal Gel that seeps down to the root of the mould to remove it and prevent it from re-surfacing again, meaning no more ugly and unhealthy mould in your home!

A professional cleaner with experience dealing with mould should be called in more severe mould cases. If there is a severe case of mould in the home, a remediation process must be undertaken to ensure the home is safe to inhabit. This includes the removal of affected material, extensive mitigation and encapsulation procedures before reconstruction can begin.

Mould can become a serious problem very quickly, and it is important to remove any as soon as it is found. If you decide to attempt to remove a small amount of mould yourself, ensure the area is well ventilated to keep yourself safe. Professional help is often required, so it may be worthwhile calling in the pros to save yourself from doing the hard work and to make sure the job is done properly right from the get-go.